Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
MsHindMEZIANEACSA Lab, FSO, UMP, Oujda, MoroccoMoroccoBest Researcher Award
ProfBoHuSchool of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrShi-KaiJianR&D Center for Ultra-Deep Complex Reservoir Exploration and Development Technology, CNPCChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrYonasBahtaUniversity of the Free state; Department of Agricultural EconomicsSouth AfricaBest Researcher Award
ProfXiaosongTianChongqing vocational institute of engineeringChinaBest Researcher Award
MrJOSEPHKARANJANairobi City Water and Sewerage CompanyKenyaBest Researcher Award
DrSalmanKhanStudentChinaBest Researcher Award
MrMehboobHussainYunnan Agricultural UniversityChinaYoung Scientist Award
ProfFranklynLiskUniversity of Warwick, UKUnited KingdomExcellence in Research
DrCharlesPiogerAmbroise Paré Universitary HospitalFranceBest Researcher Award
MrApoorvSobtiIIT MadrasIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrLanlanLiInstitute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrMaria ElianaLanio RuizUniversity of HavanaCubaWomen Researcher Award
DrSantanuRoyPandit Deendayal Energy UniversityIndiaBest Researcher Award
Prof维迎北京大学ChinaBest Paper Award
ProfXiudongWangInstitute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesChinaBest Researcher Award
DrOmidKhatin-ZadehUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChinaBest Researcher Award
DrDavid WilliamDickinsUniversity of LiverpoolUnited KingdomBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrRehamAbdel-KaderGerman University in CairoEgyptBest Researcher Award
MrStephenPrahNorth Carolina A&T State UniversityUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners